First Communion Class

firstcommunionJesus Himself established this holy sacrament.  He commanded His disciples to partake of the bread and wine, emblems of His broken body and shed blood.  This was initiated during the Passover meal in which Jesus declared a new meaning and new symbolism for this celebration.  As Christians, we now refer to this practice as “The Lord’s Supper” or “Communion”.  It is truly a communion and togetherness between us and God in which we are recipients of His grace and love.   We also have communion and togetherness with others who are partaking of this ceremony.


We believe that we need to train everyone, including children, to understand the meaning of this sacred celebration.  Education and preparation will enhance each person’s awareness and participation during the ritual of the Lord’s Supper.

Classes will be held on Tuesday afternoon, beginning on January 24, 2017, with the First Communion celebration being held on June 4, 2017.  Communion class is for ages 9 and up, and there is a $15 registration fee.  Please submit the form below.  A check can be delivered to the church office, or a one-time online donation can be made here.